
We collaborate with ACNUR for sustainability

We have adhered to the initiative of ACNUR, with the aim of supporting projects with a sustainable impact in the fields of education and water for refugees. In the field of education, providing school supplies to refugee children and in the field of clean water, we collaborate to provide sanitation and soap to schools. Through […]

New OCS certificate granted by Aenor

We have obtained the OCS certificate, granted by Aenor, which evidences the conformity of our management system with the Operation Clean Sweep standard, implementing guidelines to reduce possible leaks of microplastics in the form of pellets in our production plant in Medina del Campo (Valladolid) . Operation Clean Sweep ® (OCS) is a global initiative […]

New partners of Vision Responsable

In line with its corporate social responsibility policy, ABN Pipe Systems has become a member of Vision Responsable, an association that aims to promote the knowledge, application and research of Social Responsibility in Castilla y León. This is the last initiative in which ABN Pipe Systems is actively involved, expressing its commitment to new projects, […]

ABN // INSTAL CT FASER RD FIRE obtains the prestigious FM Approval certification

The ABN // INSTAL CT FASER RD FIRE fire installation pipe system has obtained the prestigious FM Approval certification, according to the 1635 standard for pressurized pipe systems in PPR. The certificate includes pipe and fittings for use in wet systems of automatic sprinklers in areas with HC-1 risk. This certification is added to those […]

This has been the year 2019 for us:

Our environmental commitment    One of the great achievements during this year 2019 has been the obtaining of the EPD for our main product families, the Energy Plus evacuation range and the CT Faser RD pressure range, made of polypropylene, becoming the first manufacturer to achieve an EPD that includes most of the products […]

ABN PIPE SYSTEMS, joined the Circular Plastics Alliance

  ABN joined the Circular Plastics Alliance, supported by the European Commission in the context of the European Plastics Strategy, to promote the use of more recycled plastics in Europe through voluntary action. The Circular Plastics Alliance wants to ensure that 10 million tonnes of recycled plastics are used to make products in Europe in […]

ABN PIPE SYSTEMS, awarded at the BASF Circular Economy Awards

ABN PIPE SYSTEMS, awarded at the BASF Circular Economy Awards   It is the first official awards to recognize good practices with economic, social and environmental impact on the Spanish company. They were delivered yesterday by Javier Cachón, from the Ministry for Ecological Transition, in a ceremony organized in Madrid. ABN Pipe Systems has been […]

ABN polypropylene and polyethylene pipes at the Sanitop Forum 2019

ABN Pipe Systems has been present at the prestigious Portuguese fair Forum Sanitop 19, held on October 18 in Sintra, Quinta das Cruzadas, Portugal. The fair brought together the Portuguese experience of construction in one place with a wide audience participation. ABN Pipe Systems had its own stand where we received many interested in knowing […]

ABN Pipe Systems joins the #aliadosdelosODS campaign promoted by the Spanish Global Compact Network

  The aim of the #aliadosdelosODS campaign is to act as a loudspeaker to achieve a multiplier effect so that the 2030 Agenda is known and worked. SDG-based corporate management creates new business opportunities, improves the relationship with stakeholders and promotes innovation.   On the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the approval of the […]