
What can we do to prevent the freezing of pipes

Cold temperatures can cause water pipes to freeze. Freezing in a pipe creates a lot of pressure inside and can cause it to break and cause a flood. The best prevention against frozen pipes is to keep them hot enough to place them above the freezing point. This can be achieved with any of these […]

Javier Antonio Vázquez Sánchez, CEO of ABN, has been selected as a finalist for the Plastics Recycling Awards

Javier Antonio Vázquez Sánchez, CEO of ABN, has been selected as a finalist for the Plastics Recycling Awards 2019 international awards. The Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRS) is one of the most important exhibitions and conferences aimed at professionals in the recycling of plastics. Both the company and its President has been recognized for reorienting […]

ABNBIMPIPE experimental development project

ABN PIPE SYSTEMS develops the ABNBIMPIPE project, co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the program of financial support for R + D + i projects in the field of INDUSTRY CONNECTED 4.0. The ABNBIMPIPE project: UP-DOWN INTER-COOPERATIVE PLATFORM IN THE DESIGN CHAIN ​​OF INSTALLATIONS WITH PIPELINES (IC4-020000-2016-1) focuses on the development of […]

The AENOR certification of plastics enabled by the Community of Madrid for the RIPCI

The past 2018-11-27 the Community of Madrid qualified to AENOR, and in particular to the Systems of channeling in polypropylene and fiberglass for for fire-fighting installations certified with the Mark AENOR like products to which has granted the certificate of technical evaluation favorable of its suitability for its intended use. This fact allows AENOR to […]

Our summary of 2018, a very special year

This year 2018 has been very special for ABN, we have managed to meet many of the objectives set, without renouncing our value proposition, based on innovation and treating our customers and collaborators as allies, always trying to satisfy their needs. That is why we want to share with you a brief summary of everything […]

ABN at The Big 5 Dubai

ABN Pipe Systems has been present at the prestigious international fair The Big 5 in Dubai, held from November 26 to 29 at the Dubai World Trade Center. The fair brought together the international experience of construction in one place for four days, with extensive public participation. In addition to having its own stand where […]

ABN is part of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact

ABN has taken another step forward in its social and environmental commitment as part of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative. ABN has established its commitment to the ten principles proposed by the United Nations Global Compact, being active in the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Gender […]

ABN Pipe Systems at the training sessions organized by Climathyd en Argelia

ABN Pipe Systems has been present at the training sessions organized by Climathyd in Annaba, Algeria on October 1 and 2 at the Sheraton Hotel. In it, ABN has had the opportunity to present our most innovative products such as ABN // INSTAL CT FASER RD, ABN // EVAC ENERGY PLUS and ABN // WELDING […]

Sustainability: If everyone were doing this, what would be the result? “

Sustainability means a lot for construction. It means considering the environmental impacts that are created by the way we obtain the materials and processes we use to perform the work. It means understanding our projects not only in relation to the result and the benefit to our business, but also in terms of the impact […]